Newbodyka – Manual plastics
The new figure by the hands of Kalinins

Manual plastics master - Alexey Kalinin offers you the most effective way to shape the world's correction. Body shaping without surgery.

Manual correction Newbodyka - it is a natural way to remove the aesthetic drawbacks of the female figure by the "Hand Plastic".

Accumulated over 28 years of practice experience in this area gives a result that exceeds the effect of liposuction and surgery: in terms of volume, the aesthetics of the lines, the quality of the skin, and is the only body-friendly way of radical correction.

Alexey Kalinin has mastered the skill of the art aesthetics, removing volumes from the problem areas and the art of forming beautiful, harmonious female figures. It also has its own, original developments and ways of correction in a particularly complex problem areas. Result after treatments will remain with you forever.

  • How to remove the breeches on the hips?
  • How to remove the lugs on the hips?
  • How to get rid of the tabs on the hips?
  • How to get rid of breeches on the hips?
  • How to get rid of cellulite?
  • How to lose weight in the hips?
  • How to align your posture?
  • How to make eggs narrow?
  • How to tighten your buttocks?

These and many other problems are solved in Hand plastic Newbodyka

Manual lipoplasty in Newbodyka — this fix lines, proportions, shapes and volumes in the areas of riding breeches, buttocks, waist, back, hands, knees, legs and abdomen.

Manual liposuction — a chance to get a piece of their dreams,

freedom from debilitating diets, exercise machines, ineffectual cosmetic procedures, surgery and chemistry.

It is natural, safe, aesthetically pleasing. Natural figure correction..

Newbodyka — is liposuction without surgery, the method of correction against cellulite,

this figure in order.

We will help you get closer to the dream.

Body shaping without surgery, our method makes it possible to apply an individual approach to every aesthetic problem that makes this work is varied and interesting, and the end result is obvious from the heavy physical work brings joy to the master, as the creator of beauty.

Contour Newbodyka body — the ability to turn back time.

Non-surgical liposuction available for many age groups. This body contouring plastic will get rid of signs of age. By that seeks any woman.

Manual correction of figure, the real way to keep in shape without exhausting workouts and allow the muscles to recover the desired tone.

Manually corrects figure in Newbodyka — it is best that the market can offer today in the field of correction, and non-surgical liposuction and corection

"Newbodyka" - is the only effective manual plastic figure correction. This means that you will get a guaranteed, visible results already after the first treatment, which will remain with you forever!

You will look elegant without resorting to diets, sport and radical medical intervention (liposuction, plastic and so on. N.).

Just because of the unique features of body shaping method "Newbodyka", you will get the figure of your dreams, will get rid of complexes, become confident, successful!

Only "Newbodyka" method gives you the opportunity to purchase a truly worthy figure with perfect proportions!

"Newbodyka" - it is a natural effective method of manual plastic correction.

Body shaping our method - a secure replacement for liposuction.

You will look confident and elegant without thinking about how to clean the sides, flanks or excess fat from the hips.

Center «Newbodyka» body correction gives 100% results after the first treatment!

Our photo gallery features more than 150 examples of work "before" and "after."

100% of our clients are already one month after the treatments began slimmer in the hips by 1 size.

9 out of 10 of our favorite clients come back for the correction of new zones.

Center Newbodyka figure correction in Moscow is waiting for you.

E-mail: Phone: 8 (968) 965-25-10 (Sign up for a free consultation)
